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Auberge Resorts

Head Office

Auberge Resorts
33 Reed Blvd
Mill Valley, CA 94941
United States

Company Personnel

President and CEO:
Christian Clerc
VP of Finance, Operations:
Kevin Stockford
Design and Construction:
John Mackinnon
Chief Creative Officer:
Kemper Hyers

How to Upgrade to an Enhanced Entry

Upgrading your company to an Enhanced Entry is simple and inexpensive.

Upgrade your Entry
Number of Hotels Worldwide: 8
Number of Rooms Worldwide: 408

Regional Offices

USA, Los Angeles office
Auberge Resorts
1528 Cloverfield Blvd
Suite C
Santa Monica CA 90404
United States
+1 310 437 4637
USA, New York office
Auberge Resorts
22 Cortlandt Street
16th Floor
New York NY 10007
United States
+1 646 380 2492

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