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J/Brice Design International, Inc

Head Office

J/Brice Design International, Inc
326 A Street
Boston, MA 02210
United States

Company Personnel

Founder and CEO:
Jeff Ornstein
Senior Project Director:
Christine Shanahan
Suzanne Walker
Senior Associate:
June Ericson

How to Upgrade to an Enhanced Entry

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Regional Offices

Saudi Arabia office
J/Brice Design International Ltd
PO Box 4549
Saudi Arabia
+966 03 887 9895


Crowne Plaza

Hartford; CT, United States

Crowne Plaza

Secauscus; NJ, United States

DoubleTree Boston

Mass, United States

Hilton Back Bay

Boston; MA, United States

Hilton Pearl River

NY, United States

Hilton Woodbridge

NJ, United States

Hilton Woodcliff Lake

NJ, United States

Hyatt Bethesda

MD, United States

Marriott Charlotte

NC, United States

Marriott Glenpointe

Hackensack; NJ, United States

Marriott Gwinett Plaza

Atlanta; GA, United States

Marriott Interstate

Atlanta; GA, United States

Marriott Newport

RI, United States

Marriott Washington DC

United States

Queen Mary Liner

Long Beach; CA, United States

Sheraton Four Points

Washington DC, United States

Sheraton Long Island

Smithtown; NY, United States

Sheraton Reston

VA, United States

Sheraton Syracuse

NY, United States

The Esplanade

New York City; NY, United States

The Esplanade

White Plains; NY, United States

The Helmsley Hotel

New York, United States

The Hilltop Hotel

NO.Stonington; CT, United States

The Khalifa Hotel

Doha, Qatar

The Lansburgh

Washington DC, United States

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